UNIT 9. REPORTED SPEECH - juntadeandalucia.es
bueno!! Pues si me queríais, ya es demasiado tarde, porque ya me he ido, jeje. No sé yo si podré ir a despedirme porque trabajo por la mañana pero que sepais que yo también os apreciaba, y mucho, pero en fooooondo de mi corazón, jajaja. Reported Commands: Change to reported speech using the ... REPORTED SPEECH RS 4 Reported Commands: Change to reported speech using the person and the verb in brackets! 1. Yes! I’ll do it again (JACK, AGREE) He agreed to do it again. 2. Would you like to drive me home? (JIM, OFFER) Jim offered to drive him/her home. 3. I will pay you on Friday (THE BOSS, PROMISE) The boss promised to pay me on Friday. 4. Reported speech and direct speech | Superprof May 08, 2019 · 2 Reported speech / Estilo indirecto. ¡Descárgatelo en formato PDF poniendo tu correo electrónico! {{ downloadEmailSaved }} Tu correo electrónico. Ejercicios: Passive voice present tenses III. Exercises: passive voice in past simple, continuous and perfect I.
Reported speech - statements - Englisch Reported speech in English, simple statements. Task No. 2311. Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary.. Show example B1 Grammar: Reported Speech - Exam English Free Practice Tests for learners of English. Reported Speech . B1 Grammar topics Reported Speech: orders, requests & suggestions | English ...
More reported speech exercises here. Need more practice? Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar!. Welcome! I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.contact … Exercises of reported speech VI | Superprof May 08, 2019 · Diez ejercicios de estilo indirecto que te ayudarán a practicar tus cursos de inglés y conseguir mejores notas en tus tests. ¡Descárgatelo en formato PDF poniendo tu correo electrónico! {{ downloadEmailSaved }} reported speech with modals IV. Exercises: reported speech V. Ejercicios: Passive voice present tenses II Reported Speech Exercise - autoenglish.org Reported Speech Exercise DIRECT REPORTED is seeing was seeing sees saw saw saw/had seen has seen had seen will see would see is going to see was going to see can see could see DIRECT REPORTED here there this that these those now then today that day … Curso de inglés: Ejercicios Reported Speech | Gramática ... Utilizamos el estilo indirecto (reported speech) para decir lo que alguien dijo antes. Hay dos maneras de hacerlo: fíjate en la siguiente tabla, a la izquierda como sale el verbo en estilo directo, a la derecha, el tiempo al que debemos transformarlo para hacer el estilo indirecto:
Exercise 1. REPORTED SPEECH - Change the following sentences into Reported or Direct Speech. Exercise 1. Solutions. Exercise 2. Repo SCHOOLS IN BRITAIN PART 1 1º ESO-Here you are some online exercises to practice the OBJECT PRONOUNS, the PERSONAL PRONOUNS and the POSSESIVE ADJECTIVES. (2) REPORTED SPEECH EXERCISES + KEY (2º
Reported Speech: online worksheet and pdf Reported Speech online and pdf worksheet. You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf. Ejercicio - estilo indirecto inglés 2) John said he didn't want to see that new film. 3) Dave said he'd had a hard day. 4) Steve said he couldn't play the piano. 5) Melissa said she'd got lots of homework. 6) Mary said she was speaking on the phone. 7) John said he'd had an accident on the way home. 8) Dave said he'd call when he got home. 9) Steve said he hadn't been having a bath. El baúl de Estela: Reported Speech (2º Bach) Ved esto sobre Reported Speech. Si tenéis alguna pregunta, usad la sección de comentarios. Reported Speech Después de ver el enlace, haced los siguientes ejercicios: